Friday, September 17, 2010

rainy day

booo, i wanna go home :'(
I do get to see Pat this weekend. :(
Hopefully the weather will clear up for the weekend though, so I can try to find a job... again. Which sucks because even though I went to a bunch of places and tried to get a job and there us already people from my classes filling up those spots and it makes me not even want to try...

Well I applied to Macy's online and they want to have an interview. However the time available I cannot make it in. :( There is one for uh, this morning, that I obviously can't go back in time to get. And then Monday morning at 11, ten minutes after I get out of class that is 20 minutes away from the place, and I have a class at 1:30 that I may not make it to on time. One at 2, I have class. and one at 2:30, ten minutes after I get out of class, and I would have to take the T to get there 2 mins late. >:( not to mention I have a class at 3:30. ugh. I mean I just can't get a break. This is freaking retarded. Not only that but I have never done an interview so I would probably screw up and not get the job and end up missing the end or beginning of a class for nothing. >:(!!!!!!!!!!!
Why can't something amazing happen and I get a freaking job without missing classes or whatever. D: D: D: D:
Boo, I scheduled the 2:30 appointment :/ its not till the 27th. Bleh. I want chocolate. or something.

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