Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dear Darren Criss

Darren Criss

I am a little slow with checking things over the internet, such as news from the people who brought me the best musicals ever for example, and I have recently learned (through watching the premiere of Harry Potter of the Deathly Hallows) that you are on Glee. Now, I never watched Glee before, mostly because I never really watched much TV, but since you have been on it I have being watching you perform in the show on youtube. I must say, I am so, so extremely happy for you. I literally haven't stopped telling people about how you played Harry Potter in these totally awesome youtube videos, and they can't see why I'm so excited. Well the reason is that it sorta gives me hope, and I can't help but smile when I see how ecstatic you seem! (Especially in the premiere interview, ). I just think that it is so wonderful that your name is famous now, and that just a year ago I was all "Hey, Dearest Friend, watch this musical. And Be Blown Away." It really made a huge impression on me, (Obviously, I've taken the time to write you a letter rather then change my facebook status, :P ) I think that the world has a lot to expect from you and I hope to see your name in brighter lights soon. :)

Kathleen Alison

Joey Richter, Joe Walker, Darren Criss, and Bonnie Gruesen

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